Thursday, June 23, 2011

adventures in blue skys & my son-shiney boy {part one}

This blue sky took my breath away

why I love living out in the country...

one of those random shots you end up luvn!
what's the deals w/ boys & sticks?


no sticker will ever survive, the jax!

i HEART all the 5 million expressions,
this little boy has.

What a fun simple day we had bubalou.
You make this normal everyday life absolutely extraordinary.
(Extraordinary filled with the naughties
& a temper tantrum here or there--or maybe everywhere! Hahaha.--)
But you given me a love I didn't know existed.
I love you with my whole heart,
& knowing you love me just as much
is better than even chocolate!

to be continued...

1 comment:

Susan said...

Beautiful blue sky and sunshine (envious over here.) Jax is always so adorable :)